Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Neat niche

See that neat little niche in the wall with checkered backing? If the space between the beams is centered right, I want one in my kitchen!

Reason #1- It's freakin' cute

Reason #2- it doesn't take up space like a china cabinet would and I have a small kitchen.

Reason #3- Perfect place for my Fiesta ware collection (did I mention I got the pitcher in persimmon for Mother's day?)

Reason #4- It's freakin' cute!

Oh Honey........


  1. Just a small little project, right? I have been trying to talk Alan into painting, but he is holding out on me. I hope you have better luck convincing your honey.

  2. I want to rip up carpets this summer and paint, sounds a little too much. Especially with Dan's crazy schedule. Plus, lack of funds really puts a damper on things.

  3. I can't even get him to put the trim on our floors from ...when I did we put them in? February???

    Anyway, I noticed if I threaten to do stuff myself with power tools, it speeds him up.

    "Honey, is this beam really important to the house or can I just cut into it to make these shelves??""



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